Important Dates
January 1 - Date of assessment.
March 1 - Deadline for property owners to file with the county property appraiser for exemptions or agricultural or other classifications.
August - The property appraiser mails the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes ( Truth in Millage or “TRIM” form ). During this TRIM period, should you have question concerning your value or exemption, you should contact this office.
September - Property owners who want to appeal their property value to the Value Adjustment Board must file a petition ( one of the DR-486 forms ) with the Clerk of the Court within 25 days of the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes.
September/October - Property owners may provide input at taxing authorities' public hearings to adopt a tentative budget and millage rate.
October/November - Taxing authorities hold hearings to adopt final budgets and millage rates.
November - The tax collector sends your tax bill.